9L 6.0-10.0T
Tailift® Launches the FD60/ FD70/ FD80/ FD100 Internal Combustion (IC) Pneumatic Tire Forklift
9L 6.0-10.0T
Internal Combustion (IC) Counterbalance Pneumatic Tire Forklift
FD60/ FD70/ FD80/ FD100
Easy Operation

Diesel and Gasoline and LPG ICE Forklift Truck

Tiltable Steering Column

The steering column can be adjusted to accommodate any size operator in comfort.

Easy Entry and Exit

A low floor height and non-slip steel steps provide a safe entry and exit from the cab.

High Stability
Hydraulic Steering System

The hydraulic systems delivers light steering, quick and accurate response and a small turning radius.

Mast Lock System (Optional)

The mast lock system automatically locks all lifting and tilting functions when the operator leaves the seat.

Stable double front wheels (standard)
Great Performance
OKAMURA Transmission
  • Smoother driving with fewer shifts.
  • Greatly increased torque ratio.
  • Much less wear on the shifting components, improving performance, durability and cost-effectiveness.
Mini Lever (Optional)

The forward/reverse lever delivers easy fingertip control. An electric solenoid provides fast and easy directional changes.

Deluxe Suspension Seat (Optional)

The Grammer suspension seat allow greater range of tilting and fore/aft adjustment as well as weight adjustment to accommodate all size operators.


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Load capacity 6000 kg 7000 kg 8000 kg 10000 kg
Length (w/o forks) 3535 mm 3595 mm 4105 mm 4305 mm
Width 2040 mm 2040 mm 2060 mm 2260 mm
Height (overhead guard) 2450 mm 2450 mm 2520 mm 2540 mm
Travel speed (laden) 26 km/h 26 km/h 20.5 km/h 24 km/h
Travel speed (unladen) 28 km/h 28 km/h 25 km/h 30 km/h
Lift speed (laden) 520 mm/s 520 mm/s 328 mm/s 320 mm/s
Lift speed (unladen) 550 mm/s 550 mm/s 472 mm/s 390 mm/s
Turning radius 3320 mm 3385 mm 3800 mm 4100 mm
Controller N/A N/A N/A N/A
Rated output / Speed 82@2000 kW/rpm 82@2000 kW/rpm 82@2000 kW/rpm 82@2000 kW/rpm
Battery (min.capacity) N/A N/A N/A N/A

Dual Wheel

Upward Exhaust Pipe l

Mast Lock

Rain Guard (Standard: Acrylics; Option: Glass)

Climate Controlled Full Cabin

Pre-Cleaner Engine Air Intake

Side Shift

Hinged Fork

Rotating Fork


Bale Clamp

I.C. Forkift Turcks L5.0-10 Ton 2 MB 2021-09-09

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